In 1964, Heresite was the first company to apply coatings to aluminum-finned, copper-tubed heat exchangers. The Heresite coating became then, and still remains a standard in the industrial coatings industry. We provide the highest quality protective coatings for air conditioning and refrigeration systems that operate in moderate to severely corrosive environments, including both coastal and/or industrial applications. Our phenolic epoxy has an advantage of dense cross linking and can therefore be applied as a very thin film maintaining stable heat transfer.
Product Details
pH range (14 day liquid spot test) 2.4-12.6
Temperature cycling (4 hours at -75 DegreeC; 4 hours at 190 DegreeC) 4B-5B adhesion after 5 cycles
Dry heat resistance (4 hours at 200 DegreeC; 20 minutes at 232 DegreeC) 4B-5B adhesion after 5 cycles
Microchannel Compatible
Meets FDA 175.300 for indirect food contact
Dielectric Strength [ISO 23762010(e)] 286 volts per mil of thickness.
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